Greeting Friends!

If you are visiting this page it means that the LESHKEVICH family genealogy is of interest not only to me, and I hope that I will find numerous enthusiasts among you. I hope that this undertaking can become a unique virtual club of the representatives of our surname, whose existence will be useful not only to descendants of this family but to others as well. Therefore, as you find specific information about your LESHKEVICH genealogy, I propose that we work together to add to the information already included in these pages.

In the time during which I have been occupied by these genealogical studies, I have accumulated a little information. My collection comes from a variety of sources, is stored in different formats, and is in different languages. Therefore, these pages are an attempt at the systematization of this information. And I ask you not to be surprised, if there is only a little information on some of these pages - they will be updated gradually. It is understandable, that more time and undoubtedly the continuation of my research is required to fill all of these pages with content. Unfortunately, a certain amount of information cannot be included here for public viewing, since it contains personal data.

You can follow updates and additions to these pages in the «NEWS» section (belarusian or russian).

I invite you into the captivating journey of the history of the LESHKEVICH family! (Unfortunately, only some pages are accessible in the English language. And many thanks to Grazyna from Canada for the translate these pages into English).

P.S. I will be grateful if you leave your impressions about this page in the GUESTBOOK.

Copyright© 2004-2013, Yury LESZKIEWICZ.   Write to author